Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sir Isaac Newton

He lived from 1642 to 1727. He was born after the death of his father. He was very clever right from his birth but because of being unattentive in class he didn't catch good amount of attention. In the teenage, his mother want him to become a farmer and so he had to leave school. When he became eighteen years old, his mother was persuaded that his talent was suitable for higher studies and so he joined the Cambridge University.
Between the age of 21 and 27, he laid foundations of many scientific theories that changed the way the world acted.
Although Copernicus and Galileo had solved many misconceptions, Newton gave a brief view to those theories and simplified them. He was very reluctant to publish his theories and so his theories were not made public until 1669. His first experiment published was about the white light which he proved that it contains of all colours of rainbow. He also made analysis of the consequences of the law of reflection of light and law of refraction of light. He produced his optical experiments before the British Royal Society when he was 29 years old.
His major contributions were in the field of pure mechanics and mathematics in which he had excelled. His invention of integral calculus at the age of twenty three was fabulous, without which the most of the subsequent scientific inventions would have been impossible.
His contribution to mechanics i.e., the law of motions were extraordinary. Newton's first law of motion was derived from Galileo's theory that said about the motion of the object if they are not subject to any exterior force. In practice all objects are subject to the exterior force and the important thing is that how they react in such a situation. This was solved by him in the second law in which he said the acceleration of an object is its Force divided by its Mass. After those two laws, his third law of motion that To every action there is equal and opposite reaction. The most famous, Newton's fourth law of motion was the fourth law of Universal gravitation.
More to be published!!!!!!!!

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